and it was back to couch potatoe mode again.
...yes I am a bad mother.
...yes, she learned this from me.
What are YOUR bad habits?
Do YOU still cling to your binky too?
p.s.... in my own defense: she doesn't usually take babas anymore and the blanky and binky are for nigh nigh only. However it's no holds bar when I am babysitting my friends baby.
pps...if you understood the above stated sentence you are either a mommy or you will make a superb one someday... male or female...
I have too many bad habits to even start listing. We'd be here all day.
As far as the bottle, binkie and blanket go I'm mproud to say that Hayden hasn't had a bottle since Dec 31. It was his New Year's resolution. We are still trying to get rid of the binkie. He only has it for bed time (and Sacrament Meeting). But I want it gone for good. I can tell that the longer he has it the more dependent he is on it. I just put him in a twin bed today and I know I can't change everything at once.
Oh the joys. Don't worry, my kids are couch potatoes today and most other days, until I start to feel guilty and then we schedule tv time around other activities.
My bad habits include (but are not limited to) spending too much money on Starbucks hot chocolate, consistently arriving late to work, and avoiding working out. Hopefully the first two habits will be replaced with other bad habits once I stop working. There's not a Starbucks close to home, and you can't be late to work if home is your workplace, right? As for the third one, I'm sure I'll always find ways to avoid working out.
I haven't really considered my stance on binkies, but I don't think they're the root of all evil. Blankies? Always a good thing to have around. And TV? Fine in moderation. We just moved our TV downstairs, and it's amazing how quiet it is upstairs now. Especially since we spend all our time downstairs in front of the boob tube. But you know, moderately.
I followed every word of that last sentence. Does that mean that I'll make a superb mother someday?? :)
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