Saturday, April 30, 2016

Are We There Yet?

 I have a confession: I am not a lover of winter.  That can be problematic, given that I live in Utah, and winter can last from October to May ( and sometimes June).  Don't get me wrong, snow is beautiful.  I love it when I can gaze at it from the comfort of my toasty warm kitchen with my nose pressed against the glass of my back door.  Hot chocolate.  There definitely has to be a steaming mug of hot chocolate {and mini marshmallows wouldn't hurt while we are at it} involved in this scenario for it to be acceptable in my book. But if I have to go ANYWHERE {and sometimes that means anywhere outside of the confines of my comforter} I curse it.  I don't love being cold.  I don't love wearing a thousand layers.  I don't love that my bff the sun hides behind dismal gray clouds.  Bring me HEAT.  Bring me frosty cold Dirty Diet Cokes.  Bring me COLOR.  Sometimes winter can seem interminable to me.  Seriously.  And it doesn't help that Mother Nature is rather bipolar where I live.  It can be 70 degrees one day and snow the next. 

I have another confession: this has been a rough winter emotionally for me.  Life is crazy and can have as many ups and downs as the emotional roller coaster-esque whims of Mother Nature in Utah in April.  I was contemplating said ups and downs this morning and I looked out my window and noticed something that I have looked at a thousand times in the last couple of days, but have not really SEEN til now.  We have these beautiful flowering trees in our backyard and a spectacular view of the Wasatch Mountains.  As I gazed out at this beautiful scene mother nature painted for me I noticed a funny juxtaposition.  Through the vibrant pink blossoms I could see snow capped mountains.  Spring is officially here, but apparently the mountains haven't gotten the memo yet.  It is still a cold and dreary day, but there the blossums are vibrant as ever as they blow in the wind.  It may not feel like it, but spring IS here.  And these gorgeous blossums reminded me that the warmth of summer is close ahead.  So now I have a choice to make.  I can focus on the startling fuscia reminder that dreary times will soon end.  Or I can curse the gray clouds that are here today, and try to melt the frigid snow on the mountain tops with my lazer beam stare of hatred. 

Life is like the seasons.  Certain seasons seem never ending.  Others seem to be over in the blink of an eye.  But they always have their turn in the cycle and then they end, leaving their mark and passing on the baton to the next one.  If we had eternal summer here in the desert of Utah we would not have the water that the snow pack provides for these beautiful flowers.  Our lakes would dry up.  We would not be able to water the golf course {and then my better half would be on suicide watch}. If we only had winter... well, do I even need to elaborate on that one?  My (oh so wise) 9 year old daughter told me today, "Mom, when it's super hot in the summer, I sometimes think I am ready for the snow.  And when it is super cold in the winter I think I am ready for the summer."  Whether you are Team Winter or Team Summer, they each make you appreciate the other.

So, for now, I guess I will hunker down for a few more weeks in my cacoon and dream of burning rays of sunshine beating down on me. 

This too shall pass.