Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Easter...?

Anyone want to take a guess as to what my lesson to my 5 year old Sunday School class was about.

If you guessed Christmas you would be rrrrr...wrong. The lesson was on why we celebrate Easter. That seemed odd to me. I looked ahead in the manual and the next lesson is Christmas. Truth be told I think we may be a week off of where we are supposed to be, but I'm not sure... I just got this calling a couple weeks ago.

Anyway, the kids were all abuzz literally bouncing off the walls with excitement for Christmas in a couple of days. Can you imagine the puzzled look on their little faces when I told them we are going to talk about Easter? One little girl raised her hand and said, "Um... I think you mean CHRISTMAS." So, my challenge was to tie Easter in to Christmas, because they just weren't going to let me get away with talking about Easter when Christmas is just a couple days away (even Walmart waits until AT LEAST January to stock up with Cadbury eggs... definitely NOT complaining about that one.)

But as I thought about it I realized that Easter is really the core reason that we celebrate Christmas. I personally think that the rest of the world should celebrate my day of birth (April 3, in case you were wondering, and Cadbury eggs make GREAT gifts.) but what have I done to deserve having the rest of the world join together to celebrate me making my arrival into the world. So that is what I explained to my class and later to my 3 year old (and possibly my almost 2 year old by osmosis). We celebrate Christmas because we are happy that Jesus Christ was born. On someones birthday we give them gifts to show that we are happy that they were born and that we love him. We give gifts to each other on Christmas because he is not here to hand a package but it makes him happy to see up happy. We are kinder to each other, we do nice things for each other, we are just slightly better people this time of year as our gift to the Savior to tell him that we are happy that He was born. But he deserves all of these things because of what we celebrate at Easter.

Because He was born we were given a Savior. Because he was born and spent the last few years of His life minister to the people and teaching the Plan of Salvation we have a road map of how to live our lives and return to our Heavenly Father. Because he was born and eventually died for us all of that is possible. Because he died for us we will live again.

So I say Happy Birthday to our Savior (even though he technically wasn't born on December 25) we love you and are so happy that you were born, and so grateful that you were willing to sacrifice you own life that we may live again. You deserve a day dedicated to you no matter what the rest of the world says.


Young Family said...

Merry Christmas!

Like sisters musings about life... said...

Karly totally got something out of your lesson....she thinks Mazie's grandma is going to come back to life in 3 days like Jesus....I wish thats how it worked. She has been telling everyone that will listen about it. I am glad you blogged about this because I wasn't really sure where she got that I know...Hope you had a great Christmas

Missy said...

Ok, so am I bad??? I skipped over that lesson
I thought It was a little weird also. I guess I will teach
it this sunday...little lesson learned....
Your Birthday is the same as my brothers, so I'll try to remember to say happy birthday this year, maybe with a cadbury egg even:)

Muriel said...

When I did the lesson schedule as the Primary Secretary, I always put the Easter lesson in right before Easter and the Christmas lesson in right before Christmas, and kept all the others in numerical order (just a thought for next year) I think it worked out right. I'm sure you did a great job tying the two together. It's all about the same person after all.

Loralee and the gang... said...

I confess...I am waiting for you to come back. I had just gotten hooked on your blog, and then you went AWOL. When will you be back?
byw, I think I originally found your blog on MMG or one of the others...